13 sep 2011

Back to the 'Roots'.

My second surprise I found on my doorstep when we returned from holiday was the new agenda from my favorite Dutch nature magazine.'Roots' is it called since this month but before that it was called Grasduinen. The new layout is beautiful and so is the new name. Congratulations and a my compliments with your beautiful magazin.
I didn't believe my eyes when I openend the enveloppe and saw the new agenda.  The cover was showing me my picture 'Floating on colours'. I was completely surprised because I really didn't know anything. And I feel so very honered. I still cannot believe my eyes. Thank you Roots. I just wanted to share my great joy with you all.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hoi Andrea,
    Wat leuk joh!! Een mooie waardering om je opname zo sierlijk op de cover te zien. Kan begrijpen dat je daardoor verrast bent toen je thuiskwam. Super!!

    Groetjes, Marco

  2. Hoi Andrea
    Gefeliciteerd! Dat is nog eens leuk thuiskomen! Ik wacht vol spanning op je Tanzania foto's.
    groetjes Albertine


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